Friday, February 8, 2008

Penalty Of Murder

by JL

Should we use the death penalty when a person has committed murder? I say yes people should get the death penalty for murder but only if the one who is getting it murdered someone for sure. Imagine that there was a world that people can get away with a murder when ever they want. Say that a murderer was proven guilty of murder and there is a punishment for a lot of crimes. Why not give a murderer the death penalty? If he commits murder the consequence should be the same.

First, why not give a murderer the death penalty? There is a reason for every thing and people who murder deserve justice. Why not do the same thing to them that they did to the innocent victims? If we never used the death penalty to one who murdered, then whereever he ends up he will do it again or he'll just sit in jail forever never really facing up to what he did. So we should stop them and take there life before they take another.

Other people have good reasons why we shoulden't use the death penalty on murderer's. For example, what if we give a death penalty on someone who was blamed for murder and we use the electric chair and he is innocent. Second, people point out that what we're doing is wrong because we're murdering a murderer and that makes us what he is. These are good points, but they do not outweigh the point that most people who die from the death penalty have committed awful crimes. As we improve in CSI and DNA evidence, we'll be able to guarentee we have the right criminal.

I have a solution to this problem. We should have people vote on the topic. That way we know what we should do and act fast. We can hear what the people of America think about the thought of using the death penalty on a person who committed a murder. The people of America are the people that can control the freedom in America. Most Americans would support the death penalty. That way we can't have murderer's walking around the street's living with the children of the future.

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