Thursday, April 30, 2009

Q&A on College

The following is a "wiki style" Question and Answer about college. Students researched the questions and found the answers and then we added a bunch of them together. This will change throughout the process as students add and modify it.

How much does it cost to go to college?
The price figures range from $7,000 a year to $14,000 a year depending on the university we looked up. However, if you get a scholarship it’s not that much.

Do we have to have roommates?
If you live on campus, most places require a roommate?

Can you choose your roommate?
This was hard for us to find. It sounds like you can request one at ASU, but there is no guarantee that you’ll get to choose them all.

Is it illegal to party in college?
It’s not illegal to get together with friends, but it is illegal to drink alcohol underage.

What’s the difference between college and community college?
Community college is open to anyone and doesn’t have bachelor’s degrees.

How long does it take to go to college?
It usually takes four years, but associates degrees are two years. Sometiimes people take longer.

How many classes do you take?
It depends on what you are studying. Most full-time students take at least four classes (12 credits)

How many students are in a class?
Some classes are as small as one (music tutoring) and some have more than one hundred.

Are classes everyday?
Some classes are available on certain days and others on other days. So it’s possible to go to school on just Monday/Wednesday or just Tuesday/Thursday.

Can friends that are not attending visit?
Yes, unless it’s a private college.

Why weren’t there more Hispanics?
This is beginning to change. More and more Latinos are getting degrees, which means things will be better for the next generation.

Will it be harder?
Yes, because you will have more work to do outside of class. But they treat you like adults and you have freedom.

Can you work a job?
They don’t recommend it for students who are a little behind. They are worried it might affect your grades.

How many majors are there?
There are fourteen choices at ASU and it varies in other colleges.

How do you get scholarships?
You earn one by having a high GPA, scoring well on the ACT or SAT, doing community service, being in clubs or sports and making sure you find out about what’s available. If your parents make less money, you have a better chance.

Are night classes available?
Most universities have night classes.

Photo Credit
Flickr Creative Commons

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