Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Palestinian-Israeli Solution

Solution: Jerusalem will belong to both countries, which means that they will have to compromise having the entire land of Jerusalem. This land will be divided according to the area where each one of their Gods precisely declared it as theirs, or the most sacred of locations within the country.
  • Peace - It will keep both countries in peace because they will both obtain this land to a certain extent, where both groups will be free enough to roam with one another or become as isolated as they wish.
  • Politically - We will allow the Palestinian citizens to decide if they wish to become a democratic nation rather than having no changes and still be ruled entirely by the Military.
  • Economically - Our country should also make an alliance with Palestine as well as Israel, which will provide us with less enemies in the Middle East and in return after the economic crisis both nations will receive financial support. This will hopefully make both countries feel less violent in better economy situations.
  • Socially - In this aspect I believe that it is best for both groups or nations to resolve social conflicts within themselves because instead of ending the feud we might cause a larger issue.
  • Sacrifices - Palestine will have to sacrifice their former government, so both countries will not be intrigued to fight one another and both countries will be ruined by the massive military in Palestine. Both nations will have to sacrifice having the complete power over Jerusalem, because both countries deserve it as much as the other. The citizens of each country will have to become more open-minded about different cultures, because they will be exposed to different religions, since they will both in a sense share Jerusalem.
Why It Will Work
This solution has a great possibility of working because it covers many aspects of this major conflict. First of all, it allows both of these countries to have a certain piece of Jerusalem where it will belong entirely to them. This will also improve their economy, which might decrease the chances of a war amongst themselves. By allowing them to diminish some leftover social conflict themselves, we will not be looked upon as intruders, but an assistance and help hand. When the Palestinian people are asked to decide whether they prefer to be democratic, or run by the military, will make them feel like they are significant to the solution of this problem, and that we are really taking in mind what they desire. Overall this solution would be ideal to help stop the fire of violence throughout the Middle East.
Why It Will Fail
On the other hand this particular solution might also fail in certain ways. There will also be one country who thinks the compromise is unfair and that the entire land belongs to only their people. They might not be able to adapt to an environment where they will meet people of different ideologies. The current Palestinian government might please others in the nation, which would mean that there would be a chance of having war amongst themselves. Sacrifices are difficult to sustain, and neither country might agree with these sacrifices they have to endure. This might signify that instead of resolving the non-stopping conflict we might cause a larger disagreement.

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