Monday, November 17, 2008

why military action is necessary in Darfur

by Andrea's group

In the genocide many people were involved but the one who were most involved were the Muslim tribes.The Genocide killed about 400,000 people.2.5 million people lost their homes.Lots of things were going on at that time.Poverty and neglect ion.The people responsable for their killings were the Khantoum Gouvernent.It took place in the African union were they lived.Our question is why again its just like the holocaust.

This event relates to the Holocaust because a government was killing lots of innocent people who didn't do anything wrong to die like that. It also is kind of the same because they were getting killed because of their race. America is choosing to nothing because they don't want to go to war with them and they don't care about what is going on in other countries because they have their own problems. It's not different than the way we fought World War II while failing to liberate the death camps.

How could we stop the genocide in Darfur? We should send our troops to tribes and rescue them before they attack them. When the other side is using military force, a stronger military (ours) might be the only way to stop it. Then we could send medicine to the country in favor for them to deal more about the situation. We could send the people that were misplaced and send them back to their tribes. We could give them weapons in the tribes so that they could defend them self when they are under attack. America should try their best to stop the genocide in Darfur and using our military might be the only option we have.

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