Monday, November 17, 2008

Darfur Plan #4

The Genocide in Darfur is killing million of people and leaving more than thousands of people homeless.The Darfur government is killing Muslims because their different.They are killing people all over Darfur.They are killing them because they are different to them and they have different beliefs.The Government of Darfur is killing thousands of people.

There killing a a lot of people just like the Holocaust people are dying.They are killing because of their race.They are killing them because their different to them they have different beliefs and opinions.America is not doing anything because we have other problems and its not our business.America has their own problems.

We should shoot all of the people who are killing the Muslims and save the people from Darfur. It might mean a war, but it would be a war worth fighting. They should make the people stop the Genocide is killing the people.The Americans didn't do any thing in the Holocaust and they are not doing anything against the Genocide.Something should be done the people are suffering.

-Manny's group

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