Monday, November 3, 2008

a hidden cost to global warming

by Itzel

Global Warming is one of the world's most serious problems. Global Warming makes the world very tough to live in because it affects everyone. People and animals are affected greatly by Global Warming. Many people are trying to prevent more damages caused by Global Warming. Global Warming is pretty much like a pesky bug that needs to be squished before it squishes us. It's like a small infection that we have ignored and now we are wondering if it will ruin the entire body.

No good comes from Global Warming, because it damages our way of living. Global Warming damages our ecosystem. Ecosystems seem strong, but they are often fragile. When one species dies out, the result is a chain of reactions that can be devastating for all wildlife. Research shows that the warming of the earth makes it very difficult to grow crops, but also difficult for plants to grow in the wild. Global Warming is very important , if we don't take action the world may fall apart .

Animal-lovers find it sad to know that Global Warming is damaging animal environments. Global Warming is doing serious damage to many animals. One of the animals that really needs help because of Global Warming is the polar bear. Polar bears live in the Northern regions such as the Arctic, and rising temperatures are making the world warmer. It then melts many ice caps and prevents polar bears from hunting as much as they should be. Many die a slow, painful death of starvation.

The wildlife of the sea are struggling, too. Marine mammals need a correct temperature in order to make it. A slight rise in temperature can mean the destruction of a population. Fish that depend on corral reefs must now face the brutal reality of the ocean. How many species might have already died without our realizing it?

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