Tuesday, October 2, 2007

our reflections on community service

This is a "we" area right now. I am not referring to a game system, either. This is where multiple students reflect upon their time doing community service:

I learned many new things about community service that i never thought was possible. I was actually surprised at how fun it can really be. The car wash was amazing even though I lost my voice for the rest of the day. Yelling car wash all day to strangers was pretty fun. By the way my throat is still a little soar . My sign was kinda ugly but I'm pretty sure that i at least got some cars in there. The best part of the car wash was being with my friends. I don't look at doing community service as a chore anymore. It doesn't have to be. Helping the community can be hard but you just have to learn to make it fun and easy! - S.T.

When I was going to do community service I thought it was going to be boring and hard.Man was I wrong.I went to the car wash with the rest of the A-team,it was the opposite of what i thought it was going to be.It was very cool,but I got sunburn and I could of just gone to go see my dad but instead I chose to do a carwash and it was worth it. It was pretty cool washing peoples cars.I hope our customers thought we did a good job.After we were done I was really happy knowing that we helped in the community.We did hard work and have fun at the same time.Ihope we get another chance to do another car wash. - K.Y.

My experience in the car wash was amazing, I was surprised on how fun community service can be. I am not new with community service. I do it about twice a week,but when I did it with my friends (car wash) I thought it was a great success. I had lots of fun. I learned that community service can be hard work but the feeling that you get when it's over is a feeling that is a one of a kind.I felt that the car wash was awsome!!! I am thankful that teachers would take the time to make sure that us students learn how to help others. I learned that helping others can be hard work but it can be fun. All the hard work that us student put into that community service was worth it. THX. - S.M.

I think that volunteering is a very good thing that I did. I really think that what I did was really worth it. I felt really good about volunterring after I did it. I felt really good about myself.What I did benefited a teacher. We helped raise money in a car wash. I will look for any oportunity to volunteer. I would volunteer again because when you volunteer you are helping someone alot. Volunteering is a very good way to help out in your community. - M.M.

The car wash was a really fun community service thing to do because you can have a lot of fun. Even though the sun was hot i really had fun. It was cool because me and my friends got to help our teachers to raise up money for our team. I wish that we could do more community service like that so we can help the community or just our school to raise up money for stuff that we need or that we can buy. The most fun part that i had is that i was having fun with my teachers and friends. Its really fun when schools do that with teachers and students. -K.L.

What image pops up in your head when you think of soldiers? I think of men in army suits holding a gun in their hands. I also see them living in tents dreaming about their family. That's when I start to think about how brave these soldiers are. It takes a lot of courage to leave you family to fight for kids like me. I realized that while I was doing majority of my community service hours which was Letters To Soldiers. As I was making them I started to remember the day September 11, 2001. I remember how scared everyone was. We were in disbelief. When I was writing in the cards I tried to put my feet in their shoes for a second. Although I'm against the war, I have so much respect for the soldiers who are out there fight for America. I want to thank those soldiers out there fight for kids like me! - A.N.

had a lot of fun doing community service.It didn´t feel like I was doing work.It wasn´t a waste of my time I really enjoyed helping wash the cars.I felt really good because I helped someone.While I was washing the cars I was cooled because I got wet,but after it was ok.I think it would benefit the people that worked because they will feel good in side.People should do community service more often because it might help them without even knowing.I would love to do community service again.The reason I would do it again is I like helping other people.Those are my reflections on me doing community service. - K.G.

Doing community sevice was fun and made me feel good.I really enjoyed it. The car wash was very successful and we made four-hundred-sixty dollars. I'm gonna try to do more community service now because I learned that helping somebody is very noble and rewarding. Community sevice is so amazing. - A.P.

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