Saturday, October 13, 2007

How Children Learn Violence Is Okay

By V. Sanchez

Hatred and violence are a new trend in the youth of the today's vocabulary. Parents, do you want your children growing up cussing at each other, calling each other sluts, and n-words ? If I had kids I would say no, but that's not the point. The point is, children as young as 2-3 years old are calling each other the cuss word equivalent of turds, female dogs, and donkey holes. Why? It is all due to the fact that children learn this from their environment.

What causes people to hate? I would say, it's the violence in the people's hearts. There are rapists, burglars, gangsters, kidnappers, murders, and drug dealers. The kids of today have to live in this state of violence and so they start to think it’s normal. Every single step I take, people are either talking, listening, watching, playing, making, or even joining this violent havoc that is streaking across America. Thousands of thousands of people simply support the preachers of violence and the others by joining them. How does this happen? By going and snapping in their minds and then getting people into a frenzied state. That's often how people turn into rapists and such.

It's because their minds couldn't handle something that finally made their mind snap. Then they start shooting up drugs, shooting people and raping. Or they could become psychotic individuals, who will shoot at the slightest touch. Another version of the pyschotic individual is one who will kill, either for the pure joy of it, or at the first little voice in their heads. Such people are often increasingly scary due to the murders going on from other people. Psychotics can be found in the game Condemned: Criminal Origins but that goes with the making violence since they try to kill you. So, it’s the environment that causes people to act like this.

The current situation is the fact that young children ( 3- 21 ) are playing games like Condemned , Grand Theft Auto , Saint's Row , or Dead Rising. I don't know why, but children are just going to have to learn how to deal with this violence without ever joining it, and aggravating the current situation. Don't go out with a boom, like Ted Bundy. Go out with beauty. Choose a life of non-violence.

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