Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Toys for Sale

by Stephanie
Not long ago, I visited a local store. I counted the dolls to see the ethnic background and guess who won? The Anglo dolls won by a landslide. The data that I have collected was 13 to 6. Only 6 dolls were differ from the 13 other dolls. The six dolls include two Latinos, three African American and one Asian.This data demonstrates how America thinks about race and socialization.

These toys shape our children's minds in America. When children don't see their ethnic background enough, they start to believe they are not important.Then they start to say, "that race is way better than mine."  Sometimes it's more subconcious. They lose their culture and they want to join a new one in a process of assimilation. 

American toy companies should have a broader range of races.They should ask the company to have more variety of ethnic groups out in the store.This way no culture is felt less appreciated. That we have a design of every culture in the world instead of having a single culture be in power. A company could have a policy that would not allow their production to have more of a doll then other races.Kids should be proud of were they roots came from and not be a shame of it. If there is a higher supply of ethnic minority dolls, they might find that the demand would increase as well. 

Photo Credit
Flickr Creative Commons

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