Sunday, February 1, 2009

Bullying Basics

What are the different ways kids bully each other?
Bullying a problem that doesn't end even with the help from others. It happens everywhere from kids to even adults.There are different ways to be bullied, five to be specific. All five affect the person in a way that will scare or hurt them. The five ways are:
  • teasing
  • physical
  • exclusion
  • online/cellphone
  • threatening
Teasing hurts their feelings.It makes them feel bad of who they are. Physical will hurt them on the outside. It will leave them bruised and marked on the inside of what had happened to them.
Exclusion which is purposely leaves some one out. that will also make them feel bad and thought of why they didn't want them in might go through there head. Online and/or cellphone bullying can scare the person. Fear would be sent through the body not knowing want would be next. Threatening can effect one mentally like some of the others can. Fear can also be something like the bomb threat we had that one year at Borman. Some students didn't not came because of the fear. All the bullying can and might affect you for days, months or years. It severely can it all hurts us.

Photo Credit
Flickr Creative Commons

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