Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton was born in England on December 25,1642 top Hahnah Newton and Isaac Newton senior. Unfortunately for both Isaac and his father they were not able to meet each other because Isaac Newton senior died on October two months before his sons birth. Hahnah, Isaac's mother later remarried a wealthy clergyman named Barnabas Smith. He was more than 30 years older than she was. Barnabas despised Isaac and ordered Hannah to leave him behind when she moved in with him. Hannah agreed so her mother moved in to the little farm to care for little Isaac, but however that was little consolation for poor little Isaac who had always been his mothers adoration and now she had abandoned him. Hannah and Barnabas latter has 3 children together Mary, Benjamin, and Hannah. Isaac saw his mother occasionally on visits she would make to him this went on for the 8 years her marriage lasted. Of coarse for any child that experience would mark their life and their character permanently. Isaac was not the exception through out his life he was solitary and secretive and was not willing to trust no one else.

Isaac Newton was what you could call a very well educated man, he first attended a Free Grammar school. Though Newton did not excel in school, he did earn the opportunity to attend Trinity College Cambridge where he wanted to study law. Unfortunately for him his mother refused to pay for his education so while at college he had to worked as a servant to pay his way through school. Even though he went to school to study law he later became interested in mathematics after buying a book at a fair and not understanding the math concepts it contained. Newton graduated with a bachelors degree in 1665.

Even though he graduated with a Bachelors degree from Cambridge he still felt that wasn't enough for him he still felt he had to do more with it but unfortunately the further pursuit of an education was interrupted by the plague that struck during that time. Trinity College was closed due to the highly contagious, deadly disease. Newton went home during that time and it was during that time that Newton started to pursue his own ideas on math, physics, optics and astronomy.

The university latter reopened and Newton decided to go back in order to obtain his masters degree. Isaac was apparently to busy to start a family, although at one point the was engaged to Anne Storer, the step daughter of the apothecary he stayed with them while he was at school but they never married and she went on to marry someone else. There is no record of him having kids, he was what you would call a solitary man some people say it had to do with his childhood and the abandoning of his mother.

Isaac Newton was known as a genius a real true genius. He invented a branch of mathematics called calculus which is known world wide. He also designed the reflecting telescope which is also still used, he also proved that white light contains the colors of the rainbow. As if that weren't enough to be considered a genius he figured out the principle of gravity, talk about genius. Even though he was considered a genius where he got it from was unexplained because his father was an uneducated farmer. As a matter of fact when Newton's father was signing his will he signed with an "X" because he didn't know how to write his own name.

Many people have many different theories on how Isaac Newton figured out the principle of gravity. Some say he got was hit on the head with an apple while sitting under an Apple tree, others say he simply fell and realized how everything that goes up has to come down however the truth of the matter is that we might never really know what happened when he made this remarkable discovery. How he figured it out doesn't really matter right now what does matter is how much it has helped our society without it things such as plains might not work the way they do today. Gravity according to Newton is the potential energy between two bodies proportional to the masses of the bodies and inverse to the separation to the bodies.
That was not the only thing he also invented a new branch of mathematics all on his own and he named it 'Calculus'. Calculus is a branch of mathematics that includes the study of limits, derivatives ,and integrals. Calculus is now a major part of modern University education. That just gives you an idea of the great contributions Isaac Newton has made to our society.

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