Monday, October 20, 2008

flight 93

by Jonathan

Flight 93 is a very symbolic movie reflecting every aspect and point of view that was involved in the awful 9-11 attacks. The director understood the brutal, yet cunning creativity of the terrorists, the pain of families and the heart-stopping suspense and the confusion of air command officials as they tried to deal with a surreal experience; something too horrific for most sheltered Americans to understand.

The movie is comepletely detailed from the hi-def picture to the actual footage used, Flight 93 is a movie made to make us brave and proud to be Americans. Call it a great theme or call it propaganda. Either way, it was powerful and impacting, but also oh so delicate and making sure no one was offended. Rather than resorting to stereotypes and hate, it forced us to realize that the ultimate battle is not between nations, but the internal struggle within our own souls.

It was to me a very special memorial to those who were impacted in any way because this event had nothing but hurt and negetivity. I know it's entertainment, but it's the way we tell stories. And this one reminds us that we are strong we need to be strong and let those terrorists know that we are prepared and not afraid. At the same time, we must also stop living in the past and get out of Iraq.

Amazingly it captures all of this and it all goes through your mind it is a movie that makes you think and reflect on the events that were fuzzy like a movie when they first happened. It makes you use your mind unlike other movies that pacify you with explosions. The movie will dig in your memory. So from the hi-def to emotionsand excitement you will find yourself captured and be dazzledby this theatric masterpiece that we have to pleasure our senses and yet still reach that sobering moment where you realize that all of this actually happened and that heroes are not men in tights on a screen, but normal people in suits and sportscoats and polos from Ross and that sacrifice isn't failing to get the girl in the end, but knowing you'll have to leave to girl and leave your life to save a nation.

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