Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr.

Malcom X

Martin Luther King Jr.

Can all races get along?

Segregation – All races should be separate and leave one another alone

Integration – All races should live and interact with each other





Violence might be necessary when protests are not enough, but also try boycotts and protests and speeches.

Never use violence. Instead, use boycotts, protests, speeches, etc.

National Identity

Be proud of your race and consider yourself a nation of your race instead of your country

Be proud of your American identity and your race at the same time. The goal is for all races to be part of our nation.

Imagine you are an African-American during the Civil Rights movement. You have just heard speeches from Malcom X and Martin Luther King Jr. What are their similiarties? What are their differences? Whose approach do you like better? Which man would you choose to follow?

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