Saturday, December 15, 2007

the border

by J.N.

What is the border? The border is like a subject trying to keep people out. It might be a physical wall, but it is the subject, the idea that is the real border. It's like there is no end to it.

We try to help each other but there is a border. We try to be friends but there is a border. We try but find out what we like and what we don't like. All we want is a conersation, a dialogue between two groups. We try to change the world but there is a border.

So how can we make the world a better place if there is a border? And each year it grows. Without borders we would understand how others need help. The border blinds us, but we would see the poverty on the other side. Without the border, we would know how to create a plan to change the world; because, if you see, you can be aware and if you are aware, you can do something about it. However, as long as there is a border, we will not be able to see.

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