Thursday, November 22, 2007

Are the Patriots Cheaters?

By S. DeLeon

Are the New England Patriots cheaters? We all want to know the answer to that question, and believe it or not they are. The Patriots are a very good team that deserve to be good but they wanted more so to get more they did something that made them regret what they did. They cheated in their fist game against the New York Jets by video taping their plays. That was disrespectful and they are okay with what they did. That's just wrong to do that to a team you are friends with.

The NFL commissioner took away a first round pick away from them and he fined the Patriots and Bill Belichic $500,000 dollars total. This fine did effect the way people think about them. People might think that they cheat in every game and that's why they are so good. The way they cheated was wrong they video taped them and than they thought they were going to get away with it. They did admit that they cheated and that they were sorry about what they did. This will effect the head coach job but they are doing so well that everyone has forgot about it.

This makes America look like cheaters and that we will do anything to win. People from different countries might look at America like we did a horrible thing and they did but they see us as cheaters. That will effect us in the global game or big global tournaments because they might say the Patriots did it maybe they did it to. With the War in Iraq, our image isn't exactly great around the world. People see the Patriots as the team that won three Super Bowls in six years but now they are doubted and it seems like they cheated their way to victory but no one knows excactly how they won.

To me they should be punished more because that is not acceptable to the other team and to America. I do think they are cheaters and they are not a great team but that is my opinion. To me they should have taken this to court and done some more harm to them. To me they should have been forced to forfit that game and suspend the coach for doing what he did. This is not loyal because they did cheat and did it a horrible way.

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