Wednesday, March 18, 2009

crossing the racial border

by Mireya

Our culture is filled with racial separation.  We have separate churches that seem okay calling themselves "black" or "white" or "latino."  There are school cafeterias where students sit in different locations based upon race.  While segregation seems normal in America, is it possible for two people to deeply know one another if they are from a different race?

People from two different races can 
get along with each other. They could can get along with each other because maybe they don't care what color their friends are. Probably they really trust each other so they don't pay attention to what race they or their friends are. Friends are friends no matter what color or race they are. So a person can be close friends with another person that is a different race that they are. 

Another example of people from multiple races getting along are the examples of people who have a mixed racial identity.  A person who was adopted and raised by a person from a different race than his will feel a  kinship with both races. He probably likes his new family like if it were his own family. So he doesn't pay attention to their race. He probably fell in love with his new family and the cultural background connected to it.  Other times, people have parents who are from multiple races.  So, they grow up feeling that both sides are normal.

Some people actually don't care about race or stuff like that. For example, there are some people that are married to people from a different race than theirs. Personally, I know of a Latina who is married to a African American. She doesn't care about what people think about her. She lives happy with her husband. They are content in their love that can cross the boundaries of race and culture.  Even though the world might judge, they have proven that it is possible to not only know someone, but deeply love someone from a different race.
So race does not have to be a stone wall we can't cross.  Some people get past it. They are happy with what they have.

Photo Credit
Flickr Creative Commons

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