Friday, September 5, 2008

Revolution Cause #1 - French-Indian War

The name of this was is a little misleading. The reality is that the British fought the French and a small group of Native Americans to expand the territory that they controlled. The colonists, being part of Great Britain, supported the war for two reasons. First, the colonists wanted the French out of North America and also they wanted to push back the Native Americans as far as possible. As a result of this war, England faced a major debt. Therefore, they raised taxes on the colonists, which the colonists resented. They felt that the British should pay for the war on their own rather than making the colonists pay for it. After all, the British had gained so much extra land as a result (what is currently Canada). On the other hand, the British felt that the colonists should pay, because they were the one benefiting from the new land.

1. What was the cause of this conflict?
2. How did the colonists feel about paying for the French-Indian War?
3. How did the British feel about paying for the war?
4. Why would this lead to a revolution?

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