Sunday, February 22, 2009

Metaphor of Racism

by Brenda
"Racism is, bricks put together creating a wall of hate, we may never be able to bring it down."  

Throughout my years as a student I have learned much about Racism and how good we have it now. If this is what we call Racism in its "good times" then I would not like to live during the "hard times". You can never really tell who is racist and who is not or if we've become more of a racist country or less? We can never really find the exact answers to these questions. All I can say is  "Racism is, bricks put together creating a wall of hate, we may never be able to bring it down."     
    Why, "bricks"? When I think of a brick I think of a strong object, in this case I am referring a brick to a person. These "bricks" or people are racists. The more "bricks" the stronger and bigger the wall gets. These "bricks" duplicate by the second. When two racist decide to have a baby, chances are that their baby too, will be a racist. It's as easy like that, a new "brick" has been added to the wall. If we don't do something about this quick the wall may take over.
    Why, "wall of hate"? I see it as a wall of hate because, the "bricks" are racist that are hate on people. They always manage to find a wrong thing with someone weather its their culture, color, language, accent, looks and so on. They want to believe that everyone has to be the same. So if women are suppose to have long blonde hair, they would look a short, brunette haired women, and assume she is different just from her hair. By piling all of these people or "bricks" together you create a wall, and in this case the wall is full of hate. Which becomes a wall of hate.
    Why may we never be able to bring it down? I say this so that whoever reads this can prove me wrong. So that you will go out and look around your neighborhood and write about what you see and how it relates to racism. If we let the "wall" get any bigger or stronger our only choose may be to join the wall. 
    If you don't like the idea of becoming " a brick in the wall of hate" then start helping our country become less racist. Have you ever judged someone before knowing the person? Have you ever felt a little racist? Have you ever felt that someone you loved was a racist? If you really want to help out, You should start with yourself, give everyone and everything a chance before you judge them. If you have a friend that may seem weird, get to know them, get to know their culture. You never know you may have a lot of fun. After your done helping yourself, help others make sure that they never become a "brick in the wall of hate". By eliminating every "brick" we can make the wall disappear and never come back. "Racism is, bricks put together creating a wall of hate, we may never be able to bring it down."

Prove me wrong.

Photo Credit:
Flickr Creative Commons

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