This home in Las Vegas is similar to the scene in Maryvale
by Eva
When I walk around some of the neighborhoods, they feel empty. Foreclosure signs litter the streets. Within the walls of some of the homes, children hope for a next meal. Parents lie to their children, saying, "It will get better," but they don't know. The reality is that the economy is hitting them hard. With the immigration raids and then the collapse of the construction industry, families in our neighborhoods are struggling to make it.
For all the immigrants life becomes more complicated each day With the difficulty of not having stable jobs and failing to have a good income, they struggle to raise a family. What start out as a goal for a better life is now just a goal to maintain life. Sometimes they have to eat the same food for days. No money means no groceries and that means no food. They lose their homes and cars because they cannot afford the next payment. Losing jobs is a big issue in the real world. Immigrants really have a harder time with this situation, because the laws have made it so hard for them to work.
Photo Credit
Flickr Creative Commons
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