Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hitler and the Holocaust

by Antonese

Hitler. The name makes me squirm. And in the past in made billions do the exact same thing. Why his name is so popular in the Villains category is all because of the Holocaust in 1941. The main three topics of the Holocaust is the man behind it, who was effected and, how it is still going on now.

Adolf Hitler was the man to fear in the 30's. He was elected into the German government.After he was elected things went downward. Instead of peace Adolf Hitler choose war and violence in the most nonsense able way possible. In 1941 Hitler had started a historical event that was not looked up upon. To me, commanding that all Jews of Europe be thrown into a ferniest to burn, would lye well on my conditions. Obviously for the horrific Hitler, that wasn't a problem of his. For the Jews they more than feared him, they hated him.

Just imagine, the Holocaust wiped out almost all of a whole culture.6 billion Jews were deathly affected. It's flabbergasting by how one man can be so powerful. How he can manipulate and deceive people into the death of 6 billion. Many of the few survivors of the Holocaust write about their endearing story such Gerda Weissmann Klein. Their heartfelt stories give hope to all people even those who have no relations to the Holocaust. To me, during that time, the key to surviving mentally is hope and faith. When a whole nation is exterminated, hope and faith is all that's left.

Although the Holocaust happened over 60 years ago, events just like are happening all over the world. In Sudan many are victim of shootings daily. This is no different then the past events of genise. This needs to change or else our world will only consist of so many humans. Tribes in Sudan get invaded at least once a month. It saddens me how in dangered kids my age our. They can't just be regular bratty teenagers. Those kids don't have to learn history, because their living through it all over again.

An unforgettable event changed our history in a way we wish we could erase. We can not change our past, but we can do things in our present to change the future. Let's learn from the Holocaust and help those who are going through it everyday. They, just like the Jews, did nothing wrong. Which means nothing should be caused upon them.

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