Saturday, October 6, 2007

Who's Watching Them?

By S. Munguia

They are watching every little mistake you do. They have the power to ruin your life, but who is watching them? Who are "they" you may ask, well "they" are police. I have seen them get people for the littlest mistake and they get a ticket for it. They will get bored and just look for anything to do. Can't they just look for real crimes?

A lot of people have complaints.Who will listen? I am not sure, but I have seen is not how this state should be.Every one is equal right,so what makes the cops think that they are above the law.They get to arrest people,stop us and drive past us. Don't get me wrong the cops have had their good moments but you have to admit they have also had their bad moments. It's just that sometimes they can cross the line.

What kind of complaints can people have against cops? I'll give you a personal example. I went to this small restaurant and a cop car was parked, but took room of two lanes.I thought they were doing something inside that explains them having to park very wrong.I went inside they were eating,what a surprise.I also heard that if you past the white line where the traffic light is, that a police can give you a ticket,every one passes that line. Even the police do it. These, are two of the many complaints that I have heard.

Look, I don't hate the police. It's just that when they take advantage of the uniform and start believing that they are above the law.That's what gets on my nerves.They have protected people,saved people and they probably even dodged a bullet for someone,that is when they should wear their uniform proudly, not when they throw all that honor away and "pretend" they are better than every one else. Now that's what I hate. It's the hypocricy that is too hard to handle.

Okay,we make mistakes here and there.We do break the laws,but who got into the training?Who filled out an application? Who wanted to be a police officer for a living? I know the one's who get the tickets didn't. Who decided they were going to separate the bad and the good? The police did. If they want people to obey the law they have to try, too. They need to remember that they are here to protect the law; they aren't the law.

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